Our Murals
The murals at Ascot Elementary School play a significant role in promoting social justice and cultural awareness among the students. The biographies of Rigoberta Menchu and Angela Davis, featuring quotes about children's rights and the fight against oppression, are displayed in both English and Spanish. By showcasing these messages in a visual and colorful format, the murals make them more accessible and engaging for students. This can inspire them to think critically about important issues and advocate for a better future. The murals also celebrate the artistic talents of Jose Ramirez, potentially fostering a passion for creative expression among the schoolchildren. Overall, the art displayed at Ascot Elementary School serves as a powerful tool for education and empowerment.
Angela Davis
"We want freedom. We want to end Neoliberalism. We want food, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. We want employment. We want decent housing."
"Queremos libertad. Queremos acabar con el Neoliberalismo. Queremos tierra, comida, hogares, educación, ropa, justicia y paz. Queremos trabajo. Queremos hogares decentes."
This mural was painted Jose Ramirez
Rigoberta Menchu
The Rights of a Child
"Every child has the right to food and water. Every Child has the right to speak and think freely. Every child has the right to be protected from abuse and neglecy. Every child needs a place to play. Every child has the right to free care. Every child needs peace. Every child deserves a good future."
Los Derechos de los Ninos
"Cada nino deve tener un hogar seguro. Cada nino deve penzar y hablar libremente. Cada nino ser protegido del abuso y negligencia. Cada nino necesita un lugar donde jugar. Cada nino necesita paz. Cada nino debe tener un buen futuro."
This mural was painted by Jose Ramirez